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Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I'm getting excited! Today I found out the names of our soon-to-be turkeys (Blossom and Tinkerbell), and their delivery date (11/20). Stay tuned!

P.S. If you don't follow the minutiae of my daily life - well, first of all, shame on you! And second of all, to explain - we're taking part in this year's Farm Sanctuary Turkey Express, where shelter workers deliver a pair of turkeys to an eagerly awaiting adoptive family (ours), and try to whirl up a bunch of press coverage just before Thanksgiving to raise awareness of turkeys as sentient beings, and to encourage people to consider not taking an innocent creature's life as a celebration of 'thanks'.


Marissa said...


I've been reading your blog for months now and I love it. Love your jewelry! I am a jeweler myself. I'd love to read a bit more on how you find your rings to be recycled. I cannot wait to see pictures of your new turkeys. Carlos' costume was the cutest. Keep up the great work on your blog! Marissa

Vegan Girl (Roni Seabury) said...

Congratulations! I'm excited for you and I love their names.

Tamara said...

Thanks Marissa. I buy all of my metal from Hoover & Strong - they sell recycled metal in all different shapes and forms. :-)

girl least likely to said...

omg! i met blossom in september of 2006 (when they were still "teenager turkeys" in isolation of the rest of the flock), and i sponsored her for thanksgiving that year. i'm so excited that she's coming to live with you!!

Anonymous said...

YAY!! Blossom and Tinkerbell!!! I think I actually met them when we were at Farm Sanctuary!! That is so exciting!!!