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Monday, August 4, 2008

This & That

I have a few pictures to share, no particular unifying theme involved...

Baby birds - these guys grew so fast! They learned to fly a few days ago, just a couple of days after I took this picture.

Midget egg! Greta (one of our banty hens) laid the tiniest egg ever the other day - on the top, for comparison, there is a regular banty egg (upper left) and a regular sized egg (like what you'd find in the store, on the right)... if I hadn't seen the tiny one actually fall out of Greta's behind, I would have assumed it was some kind of songbird egg or something.

And lastly, a few pictures from our trip to the river for Matt's birthday yesterday...


Anonymous said...

carlos looks so adorable, looks nice and relaxing..

the mice - they do have nice beady eyes - smoky quartz!!

Vegan Girl (Roni Seabury) said...

It looks like I missed lots of fun at the river. Happy Birthday Matt!

We went to Trinadad and I took pictures of the Pacific Ocean.