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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fitting Right In

Blossom and Tinkerbell have discovered the essential keys to happiness at our house (coincidentally, the same tenets that the ducks and chickens follow religiously) -

1. Hang out on the front porch all day, soaking up the sun or hiding from the rain.

2. Poop a lot.

3. Poop some more.

4. C'mon, don't you have any more in you? Those humans we live with REALLY love hosing poop off the porch all day long!

5. If bored, peck at front window incessantly. Maybe someone will bring food.

6. Return to #2 and repeat sequence until sun-down.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if I can substitute the potato flakes with potato flour?
(I don't even know if that made sense!)

I want to have that for breakfast now :(

Thanks for sharing the recipe and if you make a video, that would be really appreciated!

Tamara said...

Hi Gaby,

No, potato flour would definitely not work. Potato flakes are dehydrated flakes of potato - you add boiling water, soymilk, and margarine and it makes mashed potatoes. You should be able to find instant mashed potato flakes in any mainstream grocery store. :-)


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww they are so precious!!